
When your codebase grows bigger and bigger it's starts to become painful to have a single router and to store all your controllers in the same directory, that's why discord.js-mvc comes with the concept of apps, an app is a directory that contains a grouped set of controllers, middlewares, and plugins, based on logic, for example, you can have an app for the moderation commands, and another app for the music commands, and another app for the fun commands, and so on.

Creating an app

You can manually create an app by creating an apps directory in the root of your project and then create a directory for your app inside the apps directory, then you can create a file inside the app directory and export it.

mkdir apps
mkdir apps/moderation
touch apps/moderation/index.ts

or you can use the generate command to generate the app directory and the file.

djs-mvc generate app moderation
# or
djs-mvc g a moderation

This will generate the following files:

└── moderation
    ├── controllers
    │   └── moderation.controller.ts
    ├── index.ts
    └── middlewares
        └── moderation.middleware.ts

In your apps/moderation/index.ts file, you can create a router and export it.

import { Route } from 'discordjs-mvc';
import { Context } from '../../context';

export default{
    // add here a prefix for your routes
    // so in a big project you can have
    // multiple apps with the same routes
    prefix: 'mod'
    middleware: [
        // you can add your middlewares here
        // for this group of routes
    routes: [
        // here you can add your routes
        new Route<Context<ButtonInteraction>>('ban', banController),


For more information about the method see the routing docs

Using an app

Now you have created your app, you can use it in your main router.

import moderationApp from './apps/moderation';

const router = new Router()
        // your other routes


When your project grows, you can create a directory for each app in the apps directory and then create a index.ts file in the apps directory and export all your apps from it. Also you can stop creating controllers in your main router and switch to using apps only.

Sharing is caring

You can share your apps with the community by publishing them to NPM, this way other people can use your apps in their projects.


If you want to publish your app, you should specify the plugins and middlewares that your app uses, or install them as peer dependencies.

Last Updated:
Contributors: max