
Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of DiscordJs MVC. You can create your own plugins or use the ones created by the community. The plugins are accessible from the Context object and can be used in the controller or in the middleware or other plugins.

Creating a plugin

A plugin is a basic function that takes a Context object as a parameter and return nothing. The plugin can be asynchronous or not. DiscordJs MVC provides a PLugin type to help you create your own plugins.

You can create a plugin in 2 ways:

  1. Create manually a plugin function and pass it to the plugin method of the router.
  2. Use the generate command to generate a plugin file and then export the plugin function from it.
djs-mvc generate plugin myPlugin
# or
djs-mvc g p myPlugin
import { Plugin } from 'discordjs-mvc';
import { Context } from './context';

export const myPlugin: Plugin<Context> = (context) => {
    // Do something with the context
    ctx.sayHello = () => {

Type the context

Now you have created your plugin, you can use it in your controller or in another plugin. But you may want to type the context to have access to the properties you have added in your plugin. To do that, you can create a new type that extends the Context type and add your properties.

// context.ts
import { Base } from 'discord.js';
import { BaseContext } from 'discordjs-mvc';

export type Context<T extends Base> = BaseContext<T> & {
    sayHello: () => void;

Or you can create a context flavor that extends the BaseContext type and add your properties. This is better if you want to publish your plugin and let the user extend the context.

import { BaseContext } from 'discordjs-mvc';
export type HelloFlavor = {
    sayHello: () => void;

// now you can use it like that
import { Base } from 'discord.js';
import { HelloFlavor } from './myPlugin';
import { Context } from './context';

export type Context<T extends Base> = BaseContext<T> & HelloFlavor;

This way, you can use the types of other plugins and extend them.

import { Base } from 'discord.js';
import { HelloFlavor } from './myPlugin';
import {OtherPluginFlavor} from './otherPlugin';

export type Context<T extends Base> = BaseContext<T> & HelloFlavor & OtherPluginFlavor;

Using a plugin

To use a plugin, you have to add it as a parameter of the router's plugin method.

import { myPlugin } from './myPlugin';
import { otherPlugin } from './otherPlugin';
import { Router } from 'discordjs-mvc';

export const router = new Router()

Using a plugin in a controller

To use a plugin in a controller, you just need to get the plugin from the context.

import { Controller } from 'discordjs-mvc';
import { Context } from './context';

export const myController = new Controller<Context>('myController', (ctx) => {


The plugin can be used everywhere where you have access to the context.

Share your plugin

If you have a useful plugin that you want to share with the community, you can submit a pull request to add it to the plugins list. Or you can publish it on npm and add it to the community plugins list.

Last Updated:
Contributors: max, max